• Helping Partners And MSSPs Differentiate Services Through Secure SD-WAN Enablement

    It seems like the assortment of tools and technologies your customers have relied upon for years are being replaced by new solutions that enable enhanced performance while reducing costs. We have seen this happen over the past couple of years as organizations have begun to replace static operational technology (OT) systems with IT solutions that increase agility and productivity and replace traditional tools like inventory management systems with new IoT devices. They also continue to move out of their on-premises data centers as part of their transition to the cloud. And we are seeing the adoption of new solutions again with the rapid adoption of Secure SD-WAN.

  • Shoring Up Your Network And Security Policies: Least Privilege Models

    Why do so many businesses allow unfettered access to their networks? You’d be shocked by how often it happens. The truth is: your employees don’t need unrestricted access to all parts of our business. This is why the Principle of Least Privilege (POLP) is one of the most important, if overlooked, aspects of a data security plan.

  • Healthcare Cyber Threats That Should Keep You Up At Night

    In my previous blog post, Why Healthcare Organizations are Easy Targets for Cybercrime, I discussed various reasons that hospitals and healthcare organizations make desirable and lucrative targets for hackers. In this second installment, I’ll go over how criminals are attacking these organizations, the methods they use, and also what needs to be done to begin to address this dangerous threat.

  • Why Healthcare Organizations Are Easy Targets For Cybercrime

    Certain types of cybercrime targets always make headlines. In this two-part series, we’ll get into a pretty serious one: your health, and why hackers are targeting the healthcare industry for profit.

  • Why Hackers Hack: Behind The Hoodie

    Most social stereotypes are easily debunked, and hoodie-clad hackers are no exception. The average hacker comes in all shapes and sizes––often disguised as the boy or girl next door. 

  • What's Behind The Surge In Phishing Sites? Three Theories

    One of the most notable findings to come from the Webroot 2020 Threat Report was the significant rise in the number of active phishing sites over 2019—a 640% rise, to be exact. This reflects a year-over-year rise in active phishing sites, but it’s important to keep this (dangerous) threat in context.

  • DNS Is On The Verge Of A Major Overhaul


    “One of the things about working in internet technology is nothing lasts forever… [Students] come to me and they say, ‘I want to do something that has an impact 20, 50, or 100 years from now.’ I say well maybe you should compose music because none of this technology stuff is going to be around that long. It all gets replaced.” -Paul Mockapetris, co-inventor of the domain name system (DNS)


  • Segmenting And Segregating Your Network: Often Overlooked Tips For Keeping Businesses Safe

    Let’s imagine the typical very-small business with about 10 employees, maybe fewer. They probably use one network for everything, right? The secretary or office assistant has the same level of network access as their IT person—who may or may not just be someone’s nephew who’s pretty good with computers. Like many small businesses, they probably think this all makes perfect sense; after all, they’re too small to need anything more complicated. But then the unthinkable happens: the office assistant gets phished. Suddenly, network credentials for the whole business are up for grabs to cybercriminals.