Article | February 26, 2018

10 Warning Signs You're Using The Wrong Channel Management Solution

Source: Impartner

By Dave R Taylor, CMO of Impartner

Dreading your company’s annual kick-off because you can’t really show how your channel is performing – and suffering from a lack of ideas on how to truly accelerate your indirect revenue?  You’re not alone.  These are common symptoms of having selected the wrong channel management solution.

And, who could blame you? The sales, marketing and technology marketplace is crowded with tools that promise to provide exactly what you need. Even if you follow the “do-it-yourself” path, with a homegrown system or spreadsheet, it can seem like you’re moving in the right direction.

But sooner or later, you will sense “something is wrong,” but you can’t quite put your finger on what exactly. If that’s you (or could become you), check out these 10 warning signs that your company needs to make a change:

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