Guest Column | February 22, 2016

Sales Courtesy

By Dennis O’Connell, Business Development Manager, HTG Peer Groups

Here is a scenario that I experience all the time in my sales efforts and I want to see how many of you have the same experience. I call a prospect and one of three things happen:

I happen to get them on the phone.  We either have a good interaction; they tell me they are not interested; or we schedule a time to talk when they are more flexible.  This happens 5% of the time.

The receptionist or someone else from the company answers the phone and takes a message.  I am told they will pass it along and the person I am reaching out to will give me a call back.  I follow up with an email and ask them for a response. This happens 15% of the time.

I don’t get them on their phone and get routed to voicemail.  I always leave a message that includes my name and phone number and state I will follow up with an email and ask for them to respond by either calling me back or via email.  This happens 80% of the time.

My question to you is “How many people call you back”In the last twelve months, the answer is zero people have called me back.

My next questions is “How many people respond to the email you sent?”  In the last twelve months, the answer is probably 10% have replied to me.

There are probably many reasons for the poor response rate.  They are not interested in what I am selling.  They are busy, and it drops to the bottom of their to-do list (and we all know we never get to the bottom of the to-do list). Or my message was not compelling enough. 

You get it.  You know that is the case, but it is really frustrating.  Don’t they have 30 seconds to at least hit the reply button and say “No thanks”?

About three years ago when I started do a lot more business development, a light bulb went off in my head and caused me to take the above scenario and flip it on its head.  I had to question myself on how I responded to sales people who reach out to me and I found myself guilty.  I was one of those non responders who drove me crazy!

As owners, partners, senior executives or sales people let me ask you “What percentage of cold calls, unsolicited emails, etc. do you respond to?”  If you take an honest look in the mirror, would you be able to say that you provide others the courtesy you are hoping to receive?

My challenge to anyone who is part of the sales cycle is to practice the Golden Rule.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. 

Since my epiphany, I now make it a point to respond to 100% of calls or emails I receive.