Guest Column | May 23, 2022

Re-Optimizing Business Communications For Hybrid Workforces

By Frank Seltzer, ConnectMeVoice

Remote Meeting WFH

Since the advent of the internet, businesses have been exploring the options and opportunities inherent in remote offices. Trust issues and fear of the unknowns — including productivity concerns and potential new costs and liabilities — have kept many companies from taking the leap.

Over the past two years, though, MSPs have helped many businesses overcome the anxieties of work from home (WFH) and hybrid environments. IT services providers empowered and seamlessly transitioned a large segment of SMBs, using a wide-ranging portfolio of remote workforce technologies.

With the anticipated end of pandemic-related restrictions, now is a great time for MSPs to reassess those transformations. Most providers have formed tighter client relationships and gained more intimate knowledge of their operations and workflows. That level of insight, combined with increased trust and value, gives MSPs more leverage to pitch the types of strategic plans that can transform those companies for the future. Building more robust and secure communications systems to support the growing hybrid workforce should be one of those considerations. But what should these plans look like? And how can MSPs get their clients to buy in on a longer-term strategy?

A Business Communications Essential

No matter the type or size of the companies your IT services firm supports, Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is quickly becoming a necessary service. Having proven its worth with millions of businesses worldwide, thanks to the recent proliferation of WFH and hybrid work models, more organizations are open to adopting these all-in-one communications hubs.

UCaaS has many amazing benefits, such as enhancing productivity and allowing employees to utilize any device anywhere. Perhaps the most critical ability is maintaining operations no matter where team members are working. The last two years have seen the value of remote work-enabling tools rise exponentially, providing greater business flexibility and continuity for the masses.

The good news for MSPs is that UCaaS adoption shows no signs of slowing. According to Fortune Business Insights, global sales are expected to grow from $28.96 billion in 2021 to $69.93 billion in 2028, a compound annual growth rate of 13.4%. With a significant number of traditional business phone lines and server-enabled VoIP software in play, IT services companies can help their clients make a cost-effective transition while driving new monthly recurring revenue for themselves.    

Connecting The Hybrid Workforce

Flexibility is the name of the game in the new work environment. Unified communications help businesses meet that goal, combining all the tools employees need to collaborate quickly and effectively. The best part is that accomplishing their goals no longer requires everyone to be in the same office.

  • One-to-many locations. In-person and remote work in tandem is becoming the new normal. Flexibility is crucial. Today’s businesses must be able to allow all team members the same services, regardless of location. It is much easier to keep everyone on the same page with everyone using the same technologies. If team members have to use different tools based on their location, there will be more confusion, less engagement, and a reduction in overall efficiency.
  • Boost productivity. One of the challenges many found transitioning to WFH was maintaining routines and productivity. Initially, everyone scrambled to obtain platforms and software to keep everyone connected and well-organized. Unfortunately, this just brought on an overwhelming number of tools, only adding confusion and extra steps. Customized UCaaS simplifies the communication process, acting as a central hub for everything from calls and chat to file and screen sharing. The ability to navigate conversations with colleagues and customers is essential for employees working from multiple locations.
  • Strengthen work relationships. Cooperation also took a major hit thanks to the pandemic. In-person meetings, water-cooler chats, and sharing files hand to hand suddenly became impossible. The office could no longer serve as the hub for team activities. For many hybrid workforces today, unified communications have taken on this role. Can’t meet in person? Use video to host a meeting, online conference, webinar, tutorial, etc. Need to send a quick memo that doesn’t quite require a video message or an email? Send a text message instead. Those are just a few of the many benefits your clients can enjoy with UCaaS. Employees can communicate how they want from wherever they are at that point in time.

Empowering The Businesses Of Today (And Tomorrow)

The future is here. Business operations have changed drastically over the past year and will continue to do so. Organizations need robust solutions that enhance processes, save costs, and increase productivity; unified communications provide those benefits and more.

UCaaS is extremely beneficial for MSPs and their clients. Not only can these services increase your firm’s monthly recurring revenue streams and strengthen your portfolio, but they create closer ties with customers. That last point is extremely valuable when it comes time to renew contracts.

Now is the perfect time to bridge the gap between remote and office-based employees. UCaaS is no longer just an option in today’s fast-paced and information-driven workplace — it’s a necessity.

About The Author

Frank Seltzer is Channel Chief for ConnectMeVoice.