Article | March 9, 2022

Progress Reports – MSPs Can Prove Their Value To Clients

Source: RapidFire Tools
Serious Adverse Event (SAE) Reporting In Clinical Trials

Clients typically aren’t aware of the constant threats and risks that MSPs identify and remediate, so they don’t completely grasp the full impact of your efforts. Network Detective Pro’s Progress Report allows MSPs to demonstrate the value of ongoing services with quantifiable data. Progress Reports showcase your positive impact with period-to-period resolution details, progress scores, and other related metrics.

The report’s information is delivered through easy-to-follow charts that illustrate the continuous improvements made to the client’s security profile. You can customize the documents by including or excluding sections, changing text, and adding boilerplates. Network Detective Pro alerts the user if the prerequisites for generating the report haven’t been met.

Progress Report’s Snapshots Include:

  • Risk Report Card
  • User & Computer Growth Trends
  • Antivirus and Anti-Spyware Coverage
  • Backup Coverage
  • Security Patch and Service Pack Coverage
  • Scorecard Improvement Details
  • External Vulnerabilities Details

How the Progress Report Helped One MSP

An MSP’s long-term client, Company B, was looking for ways to cut costs. The MSP hadn’t effectively conveyed his value, so his services were in jeopardy of ending up on the company budget chopping block. During his next quarterly review with the business owner, the MSP provided the client with a Progress Report. Armed with this conclusive data, the MSP recapped his month-to-month activity and resolutions, including how he had identified several computers that lacked updated antivirus software and others that needed critical patches. With a clear, measurable picture of the MSP’s value through the Progress Report, the client extended their contract.


Network Detective Pro’s Progress Reports enable MSPs to substantiate the worth of their services, improve client retention, and highlight client needs, which presents an opportunity to add additional services.

Check out this sample report and start proving your value today!