Product Comparison: RMM Software 2016 - Vigilix

  1. NOC
    1. Do you offer NOC services?  
    2. Yours or a 3rd party?
    3. What is the additional cost?
    4. NOC location(s):
  2. SaaS or On-Premise? Any differences to cost?
    SaaS only
  3. Agent/Agentless/Both?
    Agent based
  4. Which mobile platforms do you support for monitoring?
    Windows CE
  5. What is the pricing structure for the RMM product? (what kind of cost/commitment is required before an MSP can start selling this product?) 
    The pricing structure for Vigilix is based on the volume of agents and modules active during any given month. Because Vigilix is focused on delivering a solution for teams that support POS solutions, we have pricing that reflects a scenario where there are often high impact back office systems that need to be monitored with lower impact terminals and other devices that are less mission critical as a single endpoint.

    While we work with each customer individually on their ramp-up plan and schedule, we have found success in requiring a minimum up-front commitment to deploy the solution to 25 or more locations. We have created incentives around making a commitment to deploying up to 25 locations. Once the first six months are complete, the model will shift to paying only for actual usage based on where and what functionality is enabled.
  6. What additional features/functions does the RMM software include? (e.g. antivirus, antispam)
    In addition to remote monitoring, data collection and automation critical to teams trying to support POS systems (a set of functionality we call POS-Sentry), Vigilix provides
  • a remote access solution (POS-Connect) that can be used by both the support team and the end user, that was designed specifically to allow the merchant to be able to check all the boxes requires for PCI compliant remote access.
  • an Offsite Backup solution (POS-CYA) that offers cloud-based backup with pricing packages designed for POS support providers,
  • solutions for specific POS challenges (for example, helping manage file transfer challenges between store and home office for centrally managed item and menu solutions),
  • solutions to help manage passwords across a large customer base
  • solutions around patching of 3rd party solutions
  • solutions around managing windows updates across a customer base
  1. What do you feel are the competitive advantages of your RMM vs other vendors?
    Vigilix is 100% focused on delivering the solutions needed by support teams in the Point-of-Sale (POS) space as they work to build a more valuable service offering and deliver more managed services. We believe Vigilix offers an advantage to our target customers for several reasons, broken into these major categories:
  • Engagement – Our goal from day one has been to allow POS Solution providers to focus on the important aspects of delivering services, not learning and becoming an expert in an RMM tool. As a part of our pricing model, we include the configuring and creation of new monitoring solutions for our customers to solve the real-world problems they face in the POS space. Our customers are experts in supporting POS. Vigilix is an expert in managing and configuring our RMM tool. Our model is built upon each team doing what they are best at to ultimately solve the real problems of support POS.
  • Simplicity – Our focus has also been to keep the options available in Vigilix feature-rich enough to provide the functionality needed by our customers to integrate an RMM tool into their model and operations, while keeping it simple enough for them to be up and running quickly. Under the hood, there is a wealth of power and capability, but we have always taken a very careful approach to what is exposed. We expose functionality as it is needed to solve real-world problems, not just features for features sake.
  • Focus – The other key advantage Vigilix offers is our focus on POS, and only POS. While many of the things Vigilix is capable of apply outside of the POS space, we live and breathe POS every day. Because of this, we have grown to understand the unique challenges POS solution providers face. Over time, we have a large library of pre-built solutions for the problems commonly face by POS support teams. Likewise, we have witnessed and participated in both large successes in using RMM as well as failures in using RMM in the POS space, so as a partner company, we can help guide our customers in how to best integrate the solution and solve certain problems. Finally, we believe there is a lot of value in the fact that both our product and our team “speak POS”.
  • Ease of Entry – Finally, we believe one of the most important advantages we offer is the simplicity of getting started. Because of both our pricing model and SaaS model as well as our pre-built monitoring specifically for POS, we have a new POS-Solution Provider trained and functional with minimal up-front cost and time.  Yet at the same time, Vigilix can start to show value immediately.

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