Article | August 30, 2022

Knowledge Sharing: Developing A Culture Of Learning And Open Communication

Source: IT Glue
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In an organizational setup, the power of knowledge can be leveraged only when it is shared effectively. In many cases, crucial knowledge stays only with a select few, and when they leave the organization, so does the knowledge. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. By creating a culture of knowledge sharing, you can manage your organizational knowledge properly and give your people the right platform to access it.

In this blog, we shall explore the importance of knowledge sharing and how you can promote it efficiently across your organization with the right strategies.

What is meant by knowledge sharing?

Knowledge sharing refers to the process of transferring critical information from one person to another within an organization. Organizations must create spaces for open communication and encourage a healthy exchange of ideas. In addition to creating a culture of knowledge sharing, companies should also invest in a technological infrastructure that supports sharing of critical knowledge.

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