White Paper

How To Master MSP Automation Projects

Source: IT Glue
Field Service Automation

It seems the entire channel agrees — automation is critical to increasing efficiency and improving outcomes for your MSP. But if you don’t have a lot of background in implementing automation initiatives, where do you begin? IT Glue’s documentation experts are well positioned to walk you through the basics of automation projects.

1 - Define your strategy

Clear Objectives

Why should you invest time in automation?

Make sure to identify clear objectives, and ensure that they are built into your workflow automation strategy from the beginning. Every process that you automate should contribute to at least one of the following:

  • Reducing costs
  • Increasing efficiency
  • Enhancing profitability
  • Facilitating growth

When you have defined a clear set of objectives that are specific to your business, these markers will ensure that you keep things on track and automate the right systems.

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