Article | May 2, 2022

How To Increase IT Team Effectiveness

Source: IT Glue

By Siva S., IT Glue


The demand for IT services is at an all-time high due to the increasing need for technology in the global business world. From managing service requests to dealing with cybersecurity threats, the pressure in this operating environment can be intense. The cost of IT service failures is quite high and even a few hours of downtime could affect the confidence of your customers.

In such an environment, it is not an easy task to increase the effectiveness of your IT team. However, it is not impossible either. You can achieve this by incorporating smart documentation. This may sound a little counterintuitive, but trust me, it’s not. Let me explain why.

Create structured, centralized documentation

IT professionals often find it difficult to access the information they need. As much as 20% of your technicians’ time is spent searching for information every day. Besides affecting your productivity, this affects your issue resolution time since you may not have instant access to the information you need.

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