Article | March 9, 2022

Best Weapons For NIST Framework Compliance

Source: RapidFire Tools
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Battling cybercrime is an ongoing effort for every organization. It requires vigilance and attention to detail to maintain defenses against enemies looking to exploit every chink in the armor to penetrate corporate networks and do bad things. 

SMBs are particularly susceptible to cybercrime because of their limited resources and more casual approach to security. While enterprises might make for more lucrative scores, cybercriminals are happy to feast upon the low-hanging fruit of smaller, more weakly protected firms and “make it up in volume.” 

A framework for addressing cybersecurity 

With so many potential paths for the bad guys to break in and cause havoc, organizations must approach cybersecurity as a holistic exercise and not a patchwork of point solutions against specific threats. To ensure companies are adequately assessing and addressing their comprehensive security needs, National Institute of Standards and Technology developed the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. 

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